06 Jul 2020

Election results: letter to the Croatian diaspora

Dear Croatians from around the world,

Yesterday Croatians voted for the 10th Croatian Parliament since independence in 1990. The biggest accomplishment last night was that democracy prevailed and that for 30 years Croatia has been democratically electing her leaders. No democracy is perfect, but it gives all people in society the opportunity to forge the future of their country. Many discussions and debates have taken place in which Croatians contributed their vision of the future of Croatia. They did this out of love for our country and that love will hopefully bring us together in formulating solutions for Croats all around the world.

We want to take this opportunity to congratulate all candidates who participated in Crodiaspora’s debate. Ruža Studer, candidate for Moja Voljena Hrvatska, Ivica Mišić, Independent Candidate on HDZ’s list, Slaven Raguž, Candidate for MOST nezavisnih lista, and Željko Glasnović, Independent Candidate we thank you for sharing your ideas and visions for the diaspora. We hope that these ideas were heard by the winners of last night’s election and that they will continue to co-operate with the Croatian diaspora on their issues. All 3 of the diaspora seats went to HDZ – Hrvatska demokratska zajednica and we congratulate Zdravka Bušić and others on her list who will now represent Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the diaspora.

The democratic process does not end when we have elected our representatives. There were many issues that have been brought up during the campaign and we need to forge forward and advocate for solutions. Citizenship, the rule of law, property rights, and different methods of voting are just some of the issues that were addressed. Crodiaspora will continue to advocate for solutions as well as help those who want to interact with their homeland, do more business and ultimately return to Croatia. Let’s continue to keep our politicians accountable and continue the discourse that we have started in this election cycle.

Success is a series of battles and how we approach them will make us champions.

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