Now, as Croatia makes strides in the direction of democracy and a capital-driven economy, Croatians from abroad have a prime opportunity to take part in the country’s progress through real estate and development.
Marion Duzich, a returnee businessman from Texas has allegedly encountered firsthand the troubles that diaspora investors face in dealing with local political barriers, and has hired Markušić and Maretić to support his and the people of Croatia’s interests.
As Croatia now faces a period where its long term success as a pertinent economic player in Europe is dependent on its ability to retain and expand its labour force, it is important to support the domestic education system through all accessible means.
With about as many Croats living abroad as there are domestically, there are leaders of Croatian descent spearheading innovative and extraordinary efforts across all industries on a global scale.
Looking beyond the barriers to entry, Harris describes Croatia as one of the most culturally sound and perhaps one of the safest countries in the world. People young and old are free to enjoy daily life in cities and towns across the country without having any kind of safety concerns whatsoever.
As most are aware, renewable sources of energy rising in demand because of their environmental benefits at large. In considering this, it must be noted that Croatia ranks 8th in the European Union in share of renewable energy as part of total demand.
A ideja, da dijaspora financira nacionalno stadion stara je oko dvije godine. O takvoj je ideju u ljeto 2018. godine pričao tadašnji predsjednik Osijeka, a danas predsjednik investitora - Udruge škole nogometa NK Osijek Ivan Meštrović.
Obje strane žele više uključiti dijasporu u hrvatski sport, ne samo igranjem (potomaka) iseljenika za reprezentaciju, nego i logistički, pa i da pomogne financiranju stadiona.
Trentačno smo u krizi, ali ovu krizu možemo iskoristiti za povratak Hrvata iz inozemstva. Moram naglasiti da ima puno mladih koji su se odlučili vratiti u Hrvatsku, i sam sam jedan od njih.
In addressing the prospect of Crodiaspora participating in the financing efforts towards a new national stadium, Šuker responded firmly and affirmatively, “Of course!”