Kao globalne hrvatske organizacije, stojimo ujedinjeni s Domovinom i pozivamo druge hrvatske organizacije diljem svijeta da nam se pridruže u ovom poduhvatu.
Kao što je to bio slučaj s potresom u Zagrebu početkom ove godine, sva prikupljena sredstva i ovaj put koristit će se za pomoć onima koji su najviše pogođeni. U dogovoru s provjerenim organizacijama u Hrvatskoj, naši će predstavnici odrediti kako će se pomoć dijeliti.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who died and are injured, all those impacted, as well as with the first responders and volunteers who continue their search and rescue operations.
Looking beyond the barriers to entry, Harris describes Croatia as one of the most culturally sound and perhaps one of the safest countries in the world. People young and old are free to enjoy daily life in cities and towns across the country without having any kind of safety concerns whatsoever.
Given Croatia’s superb platform for growth in the technology sector, it is critical that the public and private sectors continue to collaborate on the best and most practical ways of educating and training the country’s future generations.
GORAN ŠARAVANJA: ‘Smatram da je MOL pitanje financijske discipline unutar Ine podigao na višu razinu
Mislim da su ciljevi u energetskom dijelu strategije razumni i poželjni i mi se slažemo sa svim ciljevima koji su u Strategiji izneseni. Crodiasporini komentari na ponuđeno su jedan set konstruktivnih preporuka kako bi Hrvatska što uspješnije ispunila cilj da postane uspješna niskougljična ekonomija.
The Croatian diaspora was mentioned in the National Development Strategy in Goal 4. concerning global recognition and strengthening Croatia’s international position as well as Goal 6. addressing Demographic revitalization and better conditions for families. Crodiaspora believes the discussion and discourse around the Croatian diaspora can be expanded on in the strategy.
One of the exceptions is a heavy metal band from Zagreb, UNDERCODE! Thanks to a successful collaboration with Croatian video game developers ‘Croteam’, the enduring rockers have attracted a loyal following from around the globe.
As most are aware, renewable sources of energy rising in demand because of their environmental benefits at large. In considering this, it must be noted that Croatia ranks 8th in the European Union in share of renewable energy as part of total demand.
A ideja, da dijaspora financira nacionalno stadion stara je oko dvije godine. O takvoj je ideju u ljeto 2018. godine pričao tadašnji predsjednik Osijeka, a danas predsjednik investitora - Udruge škole nogometa NK Osijek Ivan Meštrović.