Who will have access to reliable, efficient and a stable supply of energy as well as the lowest cost energy during the coming decades of energy transition?
From a comprehensive outlook, this webinar is extremely helpful to all those looking to gain an edge in Croatian business and development.
An important point to highlight is that EU funds are not just available to those in Croatia, those that are residing outside of Croatia may also benefit from EU funds.
Now, as Croatia makes strides in the direction of democracy and a capital-driven economy, Croatians from abroad have a prime opportunity to take part in the country’s progress through real estate and development.
According to Fitch, Central and Eastern Europe will stand out economically in 2022. The Next Generation EU fund is estimated to give the region a weighted average of 3.8 % and 5.5% real GDP growth in 2021 and2022, respectively.
Better known as “Tomica Kolovrat” to his friends and clients, he is a true “maître” of everything related to creating incredibly beautiful Croatian folklore costumes (“nošnje”).
Marion Duzich, a returnee businessman from Texas has allegedly encountered firsthand the troubles that diaspora investors face in dealing with local political barriers, and has hired Markušić and Maretić to support his and the people of Croatia’s interests.
As Croatia now faces a period where its long term success as a pertinent economic player in Europe is dependent on its ability to retain and expand its labour force, it is important to support the domestic education system through all accessible means.
With about as many Croats living abroad as there are domestically, there are leaders of Croatian descent spearheading innovative and extraordinary efforts across all industries on a global scale.
Kao globalne hrvatske organizacije, ujedinjeni smo s Domovinom. U danima koji dolaze odredit ćemo mogućnosti u kojima će naša pomoć biti najznačajnija. Kao što je bio slučaj s naporima za pomoć tijekom potresa u Zagrebu početkom ove godine, sva prikupljena sredstva koristit će se za pomoć onima koji su najviše pogođeni potresom.