A ideja, da dijaspora financira nacionalno stadion stara je oko dvije godine. O takvoj je ideju u ljeto 2018. godine pričao tadašnji predsjednik Osijeka, a danas predsjednik investitora - Udruge škole nogometa NK Osijek Ivan Meštrović.
Obje strane žele više uključiti dijasporu u hrvatski sport, ne samo igranjem (potomaka) iseljenika za reprezentaciju, nego i logistički, pa i da pomogne financiranju stadiona.
In co-operation with Crodiaspora, all current members who renew their memberships during the remainder of 2020, renew early for 2021 OR join the Chamber (ON/BC/AB Chapters) as a new member will receive access to the Crodiaspora Web Summit 2020.
Hiding from the gunman, Markušić came across the wounded police officer. He stayed with the 31-year-old policeman, who works as a personal security officer for the government, giving the officer his coat, and helping others place pressure on the officer’s wounds.
ollowing a shooting in Zagreb’s St. Mark’s Square on Monday morning, in which a police officer working as a personal protection officer for the government was wounded, police have said that they have found the man matching the description of the perpetrator and that he has committed suicide.
Defined property rights reduce uncertainty and increase the scope for successful business initiatives. As such, they reduce the perception of, and scope for, corruption and inconsistent implementation of procedures.
According to article 13 in the law on associations (“narodne novine” broj 74/14, 70/17, 98/19), the assembly of CRODIJASPORA/CRODIASPORA on the 9th of July 2020, has enacted: The Statute and the Fundamental Provisions of the Crodijaspora/Crodiaspora Asociation
Svim Hrvatima diljem svijeta, pogotovo hrvatskim braniteljima i njihovim obiteljima, sretan vam dan pobjede i domovinske zahvalnosti te dan hrvatskih branitelja.
We are pleased to announce that we have signed all documentation for the Crodiaspora non-profit. We have gathered a team of proud and hard working Croats from every corner of the globe.
Sa zadovoljstvom Vam objavljujemo da smo riješili svu dokumentaciju za osnivanje udruge "Crodiaspora". Okupili smo tim ponosnih i vrijednih Hrvata iz svakog kutka svijeta.